Herbal tea for drinking and treatment

Mai Maser CBD kanepitee

The article was published in the May issue of Kodutohter magazine.

Even if only half of what is promised in relation to these legendary miracle teas is true, then they have considerable effects. Let’s take a closer look at CBD hemp tea, fermented rosebay willowherb tea and chaga tea.



From the abundant world of herbal teas I will highlight a few that have piqued greater curiosity, both centuries ago and today: CBD tea (made of the inflorescences and the leaves of industrial hemp), fermented rosebay willowherb tea and chaga tea. They strengthen the immune system, are rich in antioxidants, relieve stress and pain, and increase overall tonus.

Studies into the properties of teas and the technology of preparing suitable pharmaceutical forms continue to improve, and if only half of the effects described so far are true, then they have a universal and considerable effect.


CBD tea, ie hemp tea


The oil-rich seeds and durable fibres of hemp have long been known, but tea made of hemp inflorescences and leaves has only recently begun to be appreciated. Hemp contains cannabinoids – cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabigerol (CBG) – which do not have psychotropic effects, but help treat inflammation and can be used to treat illnesses such as lung disease. They are also good pain relievers.


When brewing the tea, the active ingredients in the leaves seep from leaves into the hot water and take effect as soon as the tea is consumed. Several varieties of industrial hemp are grown in Estonia, but Finola has the best yield and the longest history. Hemp can be used in a wide variety of ways, which is why industrial hemp is called green gold. The female plants of hemp varieties contain the active ingredient CBD, but they also contain small amounts of around 100 other cannabinoids. Hemp is also rich in vitamins and trace elements. The plants always contain small amounts of various cannabinoids, whose combination gives industrial hemp a wide scope of influence and high value. CBD has no narcotic or psychotropic effects like THC. The latter is a well-known addictive substance, so it is vital to distinguish between the hundreds of pharmacologically active substances found in different varieties of hemp, including various cannabinoids.

Industrial hemp varieties are not narcotic or psychotropic and are not supervised by the State Agency of Medicines. They are legal in the European Union and allow, among other things, for the production of excellent tea with a wide spectrum of active ingredients. Its medical uses are much more extensive.


Add milk or cream to the tea, as the fatty acids in them promote the absorption of CBD.



  • Relieves pain (headaches, nerve pain, menstrual pain) and stress.
  • Supports the immune system and helps prevent viral illnesses, relieves inflammatory diseases by increasing levels of the anti-inflammatory compound anandamide.
  • Has a positive effect on mood swings, increasing the levels of serotonin (the happiness hormone) and dopamine (the motivation hormone).
  • Helps maintain mental balance, promotes sleep.
  • Reduces hot flashes caused by menopause.


Industrial hemp varieties are not narcotic or psychotropic, so you can drink tea made of them without any worries.



Activates bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) and inhibits the proliferation of bone-degrading cells (osteoclasts), making it effective in the prevention of osteoporosis.

  • Suitable for the elderly to improve memory.

To make the tea, the inflorescences and young leaves of hemp are dried and ground. Seeds, plants and berries rich in antioxidants, such as caraway, blueberry, blackcurrant, sea buckthorn and raspberry, can be added to complement and enrich the effects of CBD. This makes the tea even more beneficial. The richness of various flavourings, vitamins and flavonoids creates a drink that has a pleasant taste and helps strengthen the body, relax and relieve pain.






To prepare a standard invigorating tea, add 2 tsp or 1 tea bag to 200 ml of boiling water and let it steep for 7–10 minutes. This kind of CBD tea can be consumed continuously for a month, after which is recommended to take a break of the same length. If you are experiencing acute long-term pain, high fever, insomnia or severe stress, you can brew a stronger CBD tea. To do this, it is recommended to boil the tea leaves for three minutes and then cool it to a temperature suitable for drinking. Boiling makes CBD easier to absorb in the body. Research shows that the active ingredient starts seeping out of the tea leaves at a water temperature of 93 °C. It is good to add milk or cream to the tea, as the fatty acids in them promote the absorption of CBD. It is difficult to assess the exact amount of individual active ingredients in tea, and since our bodies differ in sensitivity, it is good to switch between different teas. However, when it comes to illnesses, you can promote healing by drinking one suitable tea for a long period of time.




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